Teaching (Today for) Tomorrow:

Bridging the Gap between the Classroom and Reality

3rd International Scientific and Art Conference
Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb in cooperation with the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts

26 – 27 September 2024
Zagreb | Croatia

Guidelines for Presenters

Oral / Online Presentations

Each oral and/or online paper presentation will be allocated in 15-minute slots. Presenters must give 10 minutes for the presentation itself + 5 minutes for discussion with the audience.

Session rooms will have a laptop with software tools (like PowerPoint), a projector, a microphone and a screen. We strongly recommend presenters bring a USB drive with a copy of their presentations.

Online sessions (in this case, meetings) will be opened by the host prior to the starting time, to allow every participant to join on time. No sessions will start before the host opens the session. 

 – join in all sessions using only one link – navigate through 8 rooms, following the Conference Programme on both days of the Conference in real-time.

Online sessions will be scheduled in real-time and according to the CET.

– All participants will enter the session in Mute mode (to avoid interruptions of presentations that may be occurring). The hosts (STOO4 Staff members) will enable the sound as soon as it fits. The hosts will be monitoring the sessions, so if you have any technical questions during the session, you can send chat messages to them, so they can assist you.

– Each session will have a Chair that will manage times and moderate questions and answers;

– Please raise your hand if you want to pose a question to the presenter (if you prefer, you can pose a question by sending a chat message directly to the presenter)

For the online presenters

– There is only one link for all Conference sessions

– Use the link that provided to you by the conference staff and check your email and Official Conference website regularly

– Before you connect to the Online meeting, please open your PowerPoint presentation on your desktop; 

– Close all other windows/apps, especially email programs, that you will not be using during your presentation;

– After the Chair announcement click “Share – entire screen” (since sharing only PPT application windows can sometimes result in difficulties while in presenting mode) and present your paper at designated time

Poster presenters are required to prepare the content in a full-sized poster, with the following requirements:

– Dimensions: Poster size should be in standard portrait orientation (approx. 120 x 90 cm).

– As they can be viewed from a certain distance, please make sure your typeface and graphics are easy to read; we recommend you to use a font size for: Title: 20-24 mm or 100 point maximum/bold. Make sure your title, authors and affiliated institutions/contact details are clearly visible at the top of your presentation to give to interested delegates. Headings: 48 point suggested 60 point at max. title case headings such as Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions are useful. Result scan be presented in the form of graphics, avoiding large data tables, use colours, symbols, pictures, etc. Content: 20-28 point, 32 point at max (single spaced).– Please note that the official conference language is English, all posters are therefore encouraged to be displayed in English.

– Keep the amount of text in your posters brief, focusing on a few key points. Any description of the methods should be simple and concise. Presenters should be near their poster in case anyone wishes to pose questions.      

Presenters should deliver the Posters on the day of their scheduled poster presentation. Each poster session has its allocated time slot and the speaker should be present in the Poster room for the allocated time. The Poster Presenter/s is/are responsible for displaying/removing the poster on the poster stand. Material for attaching the posters will be provided. Online poster presentation follow the same guidlines as online presentations.